The Mick Jagger Centre


🕧     Weds: 6:30 - 8:00 pm    Fri: 6:00 - 7:30 pm

☎️      020 3885 6360



The 90 minutes long session consists of a mix of tournament rounds as well as lessons on tactics, strategy and at times simply learning the basics!

We tailor these lessons to the strength of children attending, so you will always be taught what is best for you!

Benefits Of Chess
Chess as a tool to teach academic skills, 21st Century skills, and other life skills
ACADEMIC SKILLS - Mathematics, Coordinate Systems, Point Value, Problem Solving vs Rope Learning, Overcome Fear of Mathematics
21ST CENTURY SKILLS - Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Pattern Recognition, Generating Solutions, Defense of Reasoning
LIFE SKILLS - Respect, Focus, Perseverance in problem solving, Impulse control, Decisions under pressure, Dealing with fear
For more information and/or joining the club, please visit our website: